Rush of Blood to the Head
POSTED December 22, 2017

Rush of blood to the head is the second studio album by the british alternative band coldplay. Released in 2002, Coldplay went out to make a record that would distance themselves from their debut album Parachutes. Parachutes was a well received record with the immensely popular single Yellow but according to the lead singer Chris Martin if had they gone with a similar sound to Parachutes “It would have shown that we’re happy to sit back on what we’d done, and we’re not. For us, it was important to progress and try to improve upon our abilities as musicians.” (Chris Martin) Today this album stands the test of time as to the unaware listener placing its release would be rather difficult. With the simple guitar riffs and complex piano solos any generation can relate to the message of time running out and human instincts.
The opening song “Politik” is a stand out track simply because coldplay usually isn’t a political band and although this song doesn’t take any sort of political stance it does what the albums purpose is which is to make the listener think. When Chris Martin sings, “Open up your eyes! Open up your eyes!” it can make anyone question why they choose to believe the things they do. Moving along to the hit single “God put a smile upon your face” at first one might skip over this song with it just being an acoustic guitar solo that in itself isn’t to interesting. It isn’t until about 40 seconds in the song picks up with an electric guitar and percussion. And once the choirs comes in it’s clear why this song goes down in the band’s history.
One cannot talk about “A Rush of Blood to the Head” without talking about that song that paved Coldplay career, the one we’ve all tried to learn on the piano, Clocks. The song has some sense of urgency. The song always feels as though time is running out. Lyrically the song may seem cryptic but it’s meaning of love slipping away as time runs out is one many can relate to. “Warning Sign” is a personal favorite with its almost ratty guitar opening and it’s background violin that carries the track. The song follows a man who is to afraid to commit in a relationship so he looks for a “Warning Sign” to leave her. But after he realizes “that the truth is, I miss you” a line that gives listeners shivers down their spines to this day, he crawls back to her. But if this review could get you to listen to any song it would have to be “A Whisper”. Easily Coldplay’s most underrated song. It has a weird sound that may put off most listeners but trust me just listen to the whole song it’s worth it. Not much can be said about “A Whisper” you are just going to have to listen to it yourself.
Finally the title track “A Rush of Blood to the Head” gives off almost creepy vibes. With Chris Martin opening with “I’m going to buy this place and burn it down.” it immediately draws in listeners.The song is about the uncertainties in life, how the answers are aren’t always clear, that people go through life without a real purpose. “You just sit down there and wonder why? So I’m going to buy a gun and start a war. If you can tell me something worth fighting for.” The person in this song doesn’t exactly have any purpose but still wants to do something with their life. Chris Martin continues, “And I’m going to buy this place is what I said. Blame it upon A Rush of Blood to the Head.” This line shows how one can always blame it on something biological, all their mistakes and problems are uncontrollable, we are all human. Coldplay’s lyrics might not be all that original however they always get the listener to think. This album truly dives into human emotion and how time always running out. We like to think when we get mad it’s about more, something intellectual, but we are just animals and all it is, is adrenaline, “A Rush of Blood to the Head” if you will.