In today’s fast-paced world, it can be hard to keep up without an extra boost. For some energy drinks fill that boost but what is the cost of health? Energy drinks aren’t the most healthy way to gain a boost of energy since most energy drinks have too much sugar and too much caffeine. Energy drinks can have dangers such as dehydration, heart complications(such as irregular heartbeat and heart failure), anxiety(feeling nervous and jittery), and insomnia(inability to sleep).
What can schools do? According to the website L’Evate You, schools can prevent/educate students on the way energy drinks make them feel is educating students about the danger of consuming too much caffeine, including energy drinks. Coaches can educate athletes about the difference between energy drinks and sports drinks and the potential dangers of consuming highly caffeinated beverages. School nutrition staff can provide only healthy beverages such as fat-free/low-fat milk, water, and 100% juice if extra items (i.e., a la carte items) are sold in the cafeteria.
What are the worst ones to drink? One of the worst energy drinks to have is Rockstar being at #1 because of the high intake of sugar and caffeine. Sugar having more than double the daily amount a human should intake(63 grams) and 240mg of caffeine. The next worst energy drink right behind Rockstar is Monster having 179mg of caffeine and 54mg of sugar. Let’s look at more popular energy drinks like Alani, Bubbl’r, and Celsius are also of concern. Alani has 200mg of caffeine but no sugar this is putting it up there with Rockstar. Now let us take a peek at Bubbl’r is WAY less than most energy drinks having only 69mg of caffeine and 0g of sugar. Bubbl’r is on the less dangerous side of things. Now Celsius has 200mg of caffeine and 0g of sugar. Alani and Celsius have no sugar but still a lot of caffeine you don’t wanna watch just your sugar intake with energy drinks and caffeine.
What are better alternatives? Some better alternatives to energy drinks are Green Tea, Coffee, and fresh fruit juice. Green tea is packed with antioxidants and provides a gentle energy boost without the jitters. Plus, it’s been linked to numerous health benefits, from weight loss to improved brain function. Coffee is a natural source of caffeine and can help improve focus and energy. However, it’s important to keep consumption moderate and avoid adding excessive amounts of sugar or cream. Freshly squeezed fruit juice tastes great and provides natural sugars for a quick energy boost. Plus, it offers a host of essential vitamins and minerals. The best way to stay healthy with energy drink intake is to use better alternatives than drinking a whole bunch of energy drinks a day.