If I’m completely honest, I had to read this book two times before I really understood it.
“The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho is a classic novel that covers the story of Santiago, a boy who spends his life with the recurring goal to resurface a treasure in Egypt. Throughout the entire novel, the distractions, omens, and dreams of Santiago focus on a central thesis: As you live your life, you should fulfill your personal legend no matter how long it takes.
“The Alchemist” covers ambition, spirituality, persistence, adversity, and romance. And in its conclusion, the story comes to an incredibly poetic ending. Having read it some years ago, “The Alchemist” taught me a lesson that had lain dormant for a long time. But as a high school senior, looking towards the future and beginning to figure out my own personal passions and ambitions, the message couldn’t be more helpful and clear to me. Overall, it is clear on why the book has been dubbed a classic of the 20th century. It’s inspiring, incredibly complex, full of lessons, and absolutely enjoyable to read.
If I could advise any potential readers, I would tell them to take their time on this book; it shouldn’t be completed in a single sitting. You’ll start to notice how themes from the book can tie into your daily life, and you’ll also begin to see how the overall theme can help grapple with goals, futures, and ambition.
To put the thesis in my own thoughts, “The Alchemist” teaches readers about looking ahead; distractions may exist around you, short interests and pleasures can distract, and worthy expenditures that lie on the road throughout your life can consume your time. But if you look toward the future, you will find that there is a certain passion or ambition that is intrinsic to yourself, and you will find that by looking ahead and carrying on, you’ll someday be looking downward directly where you stand.
Rating: 4/5 Stars